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The talented and well-known artist Candan Erçetin has a song called "Dünya Hali." In it, she sings the words, "Herkesin acelesi var, Zaman sınırlı." This is very true.

This brings us to something known as a "statute of limitations." A statute of limitations is a legal deadline to sue. What happens if they miss this deadline? Unfortunately, that means the chance to bring the lawsuit is lost... forever. What if it was a million-dollar lawsuit? https://www.communityabroad.com/turkish/post/1000000050486 It doesn't make a difference. Time waits for no one here.

There are certain exceptions, such as infancy. But this can vary by region. In some places, the clock for bringing a lawsuit might not start to tick until the person reaches their 18th birthday. In hospital error cases, the deadline could sometimes be extended if the patient did not learn of the mistake until later. This is not universal worldwide.

Statutes of limitations can vary by the type of case - car accidents https://www.communityabroad.com/turkish/post/1000000049111 , slander ("kötü dedikodu"), contracts, emotional distress, dangerous products, judgments, warranties, etc. I'm providing a link to the New York State Court System, https://nycourts.gov/CourtHelp/GoingToCourt/SOLchart.shtml PLEASE keep in mind, this list is ONLY FOR NEW YORK.

"Zaman kimseyi beklemez... time waits for no one, and neither does the law.

(Reference - Candan Erçetin) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1pg6hBrmCE

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Salyangozun kilosu ne kadar? ( Turk olarak, Turklerin oldugu sayfaya giripte ingilizce yazan bir insana tamda sorulacak soru budur..