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One day, Nasreddin Hoca's neighbor asked to borrow his donkey. Hoca said he couldn't lend out the donkey... it was somewhere else. Just then, the donkey let out a loud bray, letting the whole world know he was very much at home. The neighbor said, "I hear your donkey. You are a liar." Hoca said, "Wait, are you going to believe the word of a donkey or a Hoca?

The simple tale raises an important point about the law. When it comes to believing someone, jurors can look beyond mere words. They can look at the reputation and character of the person. This is especially true in criminal cases. But the prosecution can't just start things off with, "The accused has a reputation as a terrible person. Therefore, he probably committed this crime." If that were the case, no one would ever get a fair trial. Another well-known Nasreddin Hoca story that also deals with reputation is YE KÜRKÜM YE... https://www.communityabroad.com/turkish/post/1000000050113

Instead, the criminal defendant can open the door to their GOOD character. Once that door is opened, the prosecution could attack the reputation by showing evidence of BAD character. The actual rules here can be complex. But the point is that good reputation is important when it comes to credibility. How the court perceives the person can be as important as the words themselves.

For those who like the stories of Nasreddin Hoca, here is another favorite - Nasreddin Hoca - Ay Dede Kuyuya Düşmüş - https://youtu.be/76LI2rr0hl0

Good Luck - yolunuz açık olsun

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(718) 224-9824



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. Towntalk

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