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I recently read about a landowner who lost part of their property to an aggressive "squatter." Using a loophole in real estate law, the squatter came to own the land. It seemed very unfair. The trespasser used the land during the actual owner's absence. They built fences. They erected sheds. Then they called the land their own. It was like rewarding a criminal for robbery.

Most people would call this theft, plain and simple. A landowner shouldn't need to employ armed guards at their border to make sure that trespassers don't try to enter the land to take things over. But courts have rewarded this type of questionable conduct by making the trespasser the new landowner.

The legal loophole applied here is called "adverse possession." The Law That Lets You Legally Steal Houses https://youtu.be/agX0a_XlwdE The violator comes into control of the land by doing a number of things:

1. They possess the land openly

2. They possess the land continuously

3. They possess the land against the owner's interests

4. They possess the land exclusively

5. They possess the land without consent

It's definitely a case of "USTA HIRSIZ EV SAHİBİNİ BASTIRIR... - https://www.communityabroad.com/turkish/post/1000000049226# And it can be a very unfair way for someone to lose their rights in their own land, whether they brought it a long time ago or a parent hand left the land to them.

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