Hergün 10 binlerce Türk bu platformada buluşuyor.Paylaşım yapmak, İlan yayınlamak, ve Etkinlik oluşturmak için hemen Sende hemen Hesap oluştur



I am subletting my room from the beginning of or early June to late August. Female only. I am looking for someone clean, responsible and respectful.

The apartment is large, spacious and full of light. You will be sharing it with another girl who will stay in the other bedroom. The rent is 1175$ per month with everything included. There is a laundry in the basement, and a dishwasher in the apartment kitchen. It is in a very central location on a street parallel to Brighton Ave.

30 minutes casual walk to BU central campus (which is what I do all the time! but you can take bus or T as well).

10 minutes casual walk to Star Market, and even closer to Turkuaz Turkish supermarket and and Super88 Chinese supermarket.

9 minutes walk to Green B Line.

5 minutes walk to 57 Bus station.

So many restaurants of various cuisines surround the location.

No overnight guests allowed, and for the daytime guests please be in contact with the other tenant so nobody's routine gets disrupted. For the photo of the room please feel free to contact me!

İkbal Zeynep Dursunoğlu


. Marketplace

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